Bricole Reincke Takes First Place at Heritage Horse Center Show
Bricole Reincke is an competitive amateur Equestrian. Bricole was featured on Read the Press Release here.
September 2, 2020 ( – Bricole Reincke of Southwest Ranches, fell in love with horses at an early age but did not start riding horses until she was in her mid-30s. “As I was taking my dogs on a walk through my neighborhood, I saw a horse standing so silently in the trees in a neighbor’s yard. He was so still and majestic that I almost thought he could be a statue. I thought to myself that I would like to try horseback riding, but who starts something like that so late in life? I had always thought of horseback riding as something that a kid does. However, I went for it. I found a barn about a mile from my house and here I am three years later competing in horse shows and I own a horse,” says Reincke.